As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate which may result in degenerative disc disease in some people. This is osteoarthritis of the spinal discs. The main symptom of degenerative disc disorder is pain: acupuncture can alleviate this pain and also reduce related symptoms like inflammation and weakness.
Acupuncture for Foot Pain & Heel Pain
After having intense heel pain from running and hiking for about six months I started receiving acupuncture treatments. I've been an avid runner for 20 years (3-4 runs per week) and found myself unable to run more than once or twice a week due to deep heel pain. I tried acupuncture after reading an article in a national magazine and having several friends tell of successful acupuncture treatments. I found that acupuncture combined with massage greatly eased my pain and has allowed me to start increasing the frequency and length of my runs. I would strongly suggest acupuncture as one way of healing/easing heel or general foot pain.