Thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is a condition presenting with arm symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling and weakness. The cause is pressure in the neck against the nerves and blood vessels that go to the arm. The origin of the problem originates in the neck: especially the scalene muscles, but the symptoms manifest in the arm: usually on one side. The acupuncture treatment for TOS is to alleviate pressure, tension, pain and numbness in the arm by restoring and normalizing the flow of blood and energy in the muscles of the neck. Acupuncture can be a very effective treatment for TOS in just a few treatments, often when nothing else has helped the TOS symptoms.
Successful Getting Pregnant With Fertility Acupuncture; Acupuncture for LaborInduction
In May 2008, I started receiving fertility treatments from Monica. I was only starting to get serious about fertility treatments via acupuncture. All I knew was that my husband and I had been "casually" trying to get pregnant for years and thought that a pregnancy might be off the table for us.
In early May 2008, we began the fertility treatments. Monica also worked with me to develop a plan to monitor my temperature daily and to chart my cycle using web based charting tools she had access to. July 1, 2009, we had a positive pregnancy test. I genuinely believe that Monica's treatment had a direct impact on my ability to get pregnant. I continued to see Monica sporadically throughout my pregnancy to help ensure the pregnancy went well without complications, which it did. At the end of my pregnancy, my due date came and went and I was getting antsy, so again, I turned to Monica for treatment to help induce labor. Sure enough, 24 hours after treatment, my water broke.
I would strongly recommend Monica as an acupuncture service provider. She is extremely knowledgeable, professional, kind and compassionate.