Shin splints is a term referring to pain in the lower leg that involves the two muscles that run from the knee to the ankle and the side of the foot. Generally shin splints are caused by overuse, inflexibility, lack of stretching or poor form during training. Symptoms include pain on the front or side(s) of the lower leg and occasional aching or swelling anywhere in the lower leg. Acupuncture can reduce the pain of shin splints and also swelling and inflammation. Rest in combination with acupuncture treatments and the application of a medicated liniment daily will provide a fast and effective recovery from shin splints.
Fertility Acupuncture Helps to Conceive Two Children; Acupuncture for Labor Induction; Acupuncture for Post-Partum Care
Before working with Monica I saw other acupuncturists to help with fertility issues but I did not develop confidence in their treatments. As soon as I began to work with Monica I knew I had found the right practitioner. She was always compassionate and professional and her treatments gave me immediate relief of various symptoms and challenges. Monica was a great help to me in my process of having babies, in preparing my body for the conception of my two children, and also with preparing for labor and delivery, and with post-partum healing. I cannot recommend her highly enough.