Sciatica is a spinal condition that results in primarily leg pain. The symptoms of sciatica can radiate into the hips, gluteal muscles, down into the hamstrings and calf muscles in the lower leg. Numbness, tingling and pain may occur in any or all of these regions. One cause of sciatica is piriformis syndrome (link to piriformis syndrome). Acupuncture is a very effective treatment for sciatica, sometimes giving patients relief from the pain when no other treatment has worked. Regular acupuncture treatments in combination with proper stretching can eliminate the symptoms of sciatica and restore the patient to normal mobility and activity.
Acupuncture with Herbal Medicine for Infection & Health Maintenance
I used to believe that acupuncture was only helpful for minor problems. I thought I needed an M.D. for the "big stuff". Over the many years that I have been working with Monica, I have discovered that I no longer need an M.D. at all. Monica is completely able to handle everything, even infections which I believed could only be cured by antibiotics. I visit her every month to maintain my health. Since we handle health problems early, they do not escalate. There is no "big stuff" anymore. This is an entirely new and superior approach to health, which I recommend for everyone.