The piriformis muscle begins inside the pelvis and connects to the sacrum. The connection of the sacrum to the pelvis bones forms the sacroiliac joint. The other end of the piriformis muscle connects by a tendon to the greater trochanter, the bump of bone on the top side of your hip. The piriformis muscle is one of the external rotators of the hip and leg: it helps to turn the foot and leg outward. An inflamed piriformis muscle can cause problems with the sciatic nerve because it runs under the piriformis muscle on its way out of the pelvis. The piriformis muscle can compress and irritate the sciatic nerve resulting in symptoms of sciatica which include numbness, tingling and pain that can radiate into the hip region, gluteal region, down into the hamstrings and calf muscles.
Acupuncture treatments can reduce inflammation and swelling of the piriformis muscle thereby alleviating the symptoms of pain, numbness and tingling that are caused by it.