Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, a thick cord that attaches bone to muscle. Tendonitis in the knee is most often caused by repetitive motion or by an injury. Symptoms include pain at the site of the tendon and surrounding area of the knee. Pain may gradually build up or be sudden and severe. Acupuncture is excellent as a treatment for knee tendonitis because of its anti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects on the inflamed tendon(s). Acupuncture treatments over time can restore the tendon to normal functioning pain-free.
Success Conceiving With Fertility Acupuncture to Treat Anovulation & Irregular Menstrual Cycles
After finishing 13 years of taking the pill, my menstrual cycle never returned. Fertility drugs triggered ovulation fairly easily to get pregnant with our first baby, but 3 years later still with anovulation and trying to have a second child, I had no response to several rounds of fertility drugs. The next step for me was hormone injections and IUI, which was more invasive than I wanted. My naturopath had recommended I try acupuncture with Monica, so I took a break from the fertility clinic to try that route instead. That was such a great decision!
Even after sharing my long history with anovulation, fertility drugs and uterine surgeries, Monica showed such optimism and confidence that she could get my menstrual cycle to return in a short amount of time. She thoroughly explained the reasoning behind her assessments and treatment methods, and answered all of my questions so I fully understood how we would work to restore balance to my hormone levels.
Monica's confidence and enthusiasm are contagious, and she made me feel very comfortable trying acupuncture for the first time. My menstrual cycles started occurring naturally for the first time in 17 years, and I was so thrilled to conceive shortly thereafter without fertility drugs! We recently gave birth to our second beautiful, healthy baby girl!
I repeatedly recommend Monica to all of my friends and family, for whatever health concerns they may have.