Tendonitis is an inflammation of a tendon, a thick cord that attaches bone to muscle. Tendonitis in the knee is most often caused by repetitive motion or by an injury. Symptoms include pain at the site of the tendon and surrounding area of the knee. Pain may gradually build up or be sudden and severe. Acupuncture is excellent as a treatment for knee tendonitis because of its anti-inflammatory and pain reducing effects on the inflamed tendon(s). Acupuncture treatments over time can restore the tendon to normal functioning pain-free.
Success Conceiving With Fertility Acupuncture to Treat PCOS; Acupuncture for Labor Induction to Avoid C-Section
In January 2010 I was diagnosed with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). As a result, I was unable to naturally ovulate on a monthly basis. In addition to working with a reproductive endocrinologist, I had regular acupuncture sessions with Monica at Seattle Acupuncture. Within 5 months I was pregnant with my first child. I have no doubt that the acupuncture sessions directly contributed to my ability to get pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy. I revisited Monica when I was 41 weeks pregnant to see if she could help me go into labor naturally. After one session, my water broke the next day and I was able to have the baby without a c-section. I would like to thank Seattle Acupuncture for helping to bring this great addition to our family.