Muscle strain in the back accounts for 85% of back pain: it is a soft-tissue injury that causes pain, stiffness and diminished range of motion when any or several of the many muscles of the back are strained. Acupuncture can help your recovery by speeding up the healing process, reducing your pain and restoring your normal flexibility and range of motion.
Acupuncture for Digestive Disorders
When I began acupuncture, I had an open mind. I also had terrible digestive disorders. Through a regular schedule of accupunture and herbal therapy, the pain and discomfort that was a daily occurance in my life, is now just a memory. Monica has a holistic and realistic approach to wellness. I believe that her style of care allowed my body to heal itself. Receiving accupucture is a commitment I made to myself to realize how well I could be. Not only did it release and direct my body's healing energy, it also helped me to feel a sense of partnership with Monica, a feeling I have rarely had with health care providers. This experience has dramatically improved my life. Thank you!