As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate which may result in degenerative disc disease in some people. This is osteoarthritis of the spinal discs. The main symptom of degenerative disc disorder is pain: acupuncture can alleviate this pain and also reduce related symptoms like inflammation and weakness.
Acupuncture for Knee Pain/Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
All I have ever heard about knee injuries is how lengthy and painful they are with little to no hope for full recovery. When I hurt my knee, the day after I went to go see Monica for acupuncture and my pain went from a level 9 pain to a 4. It was almost instantaneous. Knowing that she has this ability to help has completely given me confidence in a full recovery. I know with her guidance + acupuncture she is helping me recover without painkillers and other typical Western medicine methods. My only regret is that not everyone knows what acupuncture can do for their injuries and specifically knees.