As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate which may result in degenerative disc disease in some people. This is osteoarthritis of the spinal discs. The main symptom of degenerative disc disorder is pain: acupuncture can alleviate this pain and also reduce related symptoms like inflammation and weakness.
Acupuncture for Throat Infection
Acupuncture cured me when traditional medicine was stumped!
I came to be treated by Monica when I had a throat infection that wouldn't go away. My MD had no idea why my throat was coated with a white film, and prescribed a "catch-all" super-antibiotic. This made my symptoms worse, and the infection dragged on for weeks. After my first acupuncture treatment, my throat began improving in two days. My throat was fine within two and a half weeks. I continued getting monthly treatments because I noticed that the PMS symptoms I'd had all my life vastly improved when I was treated before my period. I highly recommend acupuncture for everyone!