The bursa is a sac filled with lubricating fluid, located between tissues such as bone, muscle, tendons, and skin that decreases rubbing, friction, and irritation. Bursitis commonly occurs in the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and Achilles tendon. Bursitis is caused by repetitive motion, an impact on the area, or from an injury. The most common symptom of bursitis is pain. The pain may build up gradually or be sudden and severe, especially if calcium deposits are present. Acupuncture alleviates the pain and inflammation associated with bursitis and can assist in the healing of an injury to the bursa by causing an increase in the blood flow to the region.
Acupuncture for Menstrual Pain, Unbalanced Hormones
Monica’s knowledge and application of acupuncture and oriental medicine are absolutely incredible. Her many years of experience and care for her patients shows in her approach, TCM diagnostic, and treatments. She listened to my concerns from our very first exchange, in an accepting and thorough manner, and made sure to explain her understanding of my complaints and treatment plan in a simple and complete way. Her approach is concise, precise and effective. I felt tremendous relief after my very first treatment, and with the help of her recommended herbal formula, felt a complete relief from my complaints that had been getting worse for many months, within 2 weeks. After working consistently with Monica, I am now free of my symptoms and on my way to living in a strong and healthy body. I continue to work with Monica to make sure my body stays balanced, and will keep recommending her to everyone in need of an incredible acupuncturist! Monica is a true gem, and I am blessed to have found her, thank you!