Current research in reproductive medicine shows that acupuncture improves pregnancy outcomes in women undergoing IVF. Research also demonstrates the effectiveness of Chinese herbs to improve embryo quality in women who have undergone failed IVF cycles. Acupuncture can help with fertility in many ways, both physically and emotionally. An excellent example of the successful combination of Traditional …
It’s that time of year for many Seattlites: SAD (Seasonal Affect Disoerder) time. With the long grey days and rain many people suffer from depression in the Winter in the Pacific Northwest. Acupuncture can help you! Researchers discovered that both acupuncture and electroacupuncture improved the quality of life in depressed patients in this study: Acupuncture …
I treat low back pain with acupuncture many times every week, and sometimes many times in one day in my acupuncture office! I can tell you unequivocally that acupuncture does work wonders for back pain as well as other kinds of pain including migraines, sports injuries, menstrual pain, and abdominal pain. Acupuncture is without side effects …
Menstrual pain is a condition that afflicts many women, and it is not managed well by Western medicine. Taking birth control pills is helpful for some women, but they are not an option for a woman trying to conceive. Ibuprofen and related medications like alleve are harmful for kidney function and they are not adequate …
It is estimated that 45% of today’s workers have neck pain, and at any given time 12% of all women and 9% of men are suffering from neck pain. Acupuncture can safely and effectively treat neck pain: not only does it reduce pain and stiffness in the short-term, but with regular weekly treatments and appropriate …
Migraines are a leading cause of misery and missed work for many people: they can be controlled by medication, but medication stops working for some of migraine sufferers. When migraines are out of control, or when a patient is seeking a holistic and natural treatment, acupuncture is an ideal solution. There is research supporting the efficacy …